VEG Siblings Program
In an effort to accomodate The Village East Gifted families as a "whole", when time permits, we offer siblings with special needs private instruction on an hourly basis. Ms. Tobi Phillips, our founder and sole educator, is certified in elementary education, secondary school, special education as well as gifted education.
VEG also offers a course for motivated siblings called "MSP". MSP accepts siblings in grades six through nine. All MSP students, though not classified as gifted, must be highly motivated learners with a full scale IQ of 125 or higher. In order to qualify and remain in this program, students must maintain a GPA of 3.7 or higher and, if applicable, an Honor Roll status. Additionally, a letter of recommendation from a guidance counselor or the most recent English teacher is required for acceptance. Like their gifted siblings, MSP students learn the VEG curriculum but at a more moderate pace and depth of content, and with greater teacher intervention and peer support. To set up an interview, please call our office @ 631-223-2352.
Our Founder for more information about Ms. Phillips)