
Program Policies

Rolling Admissions
Students are accepted anytime during a semester with the exception of the last four classes. Tuition is calculated from the first class a child attends to the last class of the semester. Future absences anticipated by parents cannot be deducted from the tuition.

Emergency/Inclement Weather Cancellations
Canceled classes due to inclement weather or emergency closings are not refundable. Makeup classes are offered, only if the schedule permits, at the discretion of the Executive Director. Makeup classes are generally not held on the same day of the week as the class is canceled.

In-Person vs. Virtual Participants
Students can attend in-person or via Zoom classes. Students cannot combine virtual and in-person participation. If a student is registered as an in-person participant, s/he must attend all his/her classes in person.... including any makeup classes. If a student is registered as a virtual participant, s/he must attend all his/her classes virtually... including any makeup classes.

Makeup Classes
One makeup class per semester (no exceptions) are offered, only if the schedule and space permits, at the discretion of the Executive Director. More than one makeup per semester disturbs the pace and continuity of the curriculum for both the students and the teachers. Parents must contact the Executive Director, via text, at least one week before the scheduled class if they want their child to attend a makeup.

Makeups cannot be "carried over" to the next semester and are only offered in a class of the same age grouping. Due to extensive preparation for the "End-of-the-Semester" Curriculum Demonstrations, fall semester students must attend their makeups by December 1 and spring semester students by May 1. Credits or refunds are not issued for missed classes or if a student attends a class and departs early. If the child is enrolled in the Huntington or Roslyn location, makeups can be attended in either one. Make-up classes cannot be attended in other VEG franchise locations.

Student Absences
Parents must notify the Executive Director of their child's absence at least 48 hours before the class begins in order to be eligible for a makeup class. If a student is ill after returning from school on the day of his/her class, the Executive Director must be notified prior to the start of that class. Since our program differentiates the curriculum for each student, teachers need to know of any absences before the class begins.

"First Class" Refund Policy
If, after an enrolled student attends his/her first class, the teacher or Executive Director feels that VEG is not an appropriate placement, a refund is given for the total amount of the tuition paid minus the first class. Refunds are not given if a student or parent decides not to continue the program after the second class is attended.

Payment Plans
Village East Gifted implements a continuous curriculum. Students do not "come and go". Special bonds, often life-long, are created between them. If a student suddenly stops attending classes, it is a disruption to the academic, social, and emotional dynamics of the class. Therefore, payment plans are a commitment to pay, in good faith, from the first class attended to the last class of that semester, even if the student stops attending classes. The remaining classes unattended will be billed as agreed upon.

"Only-One-Student" Situation
Though parents are expected to contact the Executive Director, in advance, if their child is unable to attend a class, "last minute" situations can arise. In the event that only ONE STUDENT can attend class, that class will be canceled, and that student can make up the class by attending another class of the same age grouping, if offered in the same semester, on a different day. Refunds are not issued for canceled classes due to *low enrollment (*only one child).

Private and Semi-Private Instruction
Exact dates, times, and hourly rates are determined before instruction begins. Payments are made, via Zelle, in advance, unless other arrangements have been approved by the Executive Director. Refunds are not given for missed sessions. Credits are issued if parents cancel a session at least 24 hours before the scheduled day and time. If less than 24 hours, credits are not issued. All semi private classes will be in session even if one student is absent. If your child comes to his or her session with symptoms of a cold, is ill or has a temperature, the session will be canceled and a refund or credit will not be issued. Please ensure that your child is well before bringing him or her to class.

Scholarship Recipients
Like VEG participants who pay the full tuition, students receiving scholarships or reduced tuition must maintain consistent attendance for the full semester. If more than two classes are missed or the student continuously arrives late to class, the scholarship could be withdrawn and, understandably, not offered again in the future.

"Early Drop Off" or "Late Pick Up"
If a parent wishes to drop off a student more than five minutes before the start of a class, s/he must stay until the class begins. Village East Gifted is not responsible for students left unattended. If a parent will be picking up their child late, the executive director must be notified, in advance (if possible) so the teacher can be contacted and plan accordingly. If a child is not yet picked up and the teacher needs to begin another class, the child will be waiting safely outside the classroom, but without direct supervision.

VEG: A Soft Place To Fall
Village East Gifted provides each gifted child with a safe and nurturing learning environment. VEG's "zero tolerance" policy is strictly enforced disallowing bullying, discipline problems, negative peer or teacher interactions, and/or class disruptions. Participants exhibiting any of these behaviors will be removed from the program with or without notice.

For more information or additional questions, please call Tag